Jadunath Bhavan Museum and Resource Centre
A unit of the Centre for Studies in Social Sciences, Calcutta
Set up with assistance of the Ministry of Culture, Government of India
Archive Occasional Papers Series
This series has been conceived as a set of slim illustrated scholarly publications written by different scholars who have been affiliated with the mother institution of the CSSSC, each of which feature a different aspect of the archival collections and holdings of JBMRC. The following are the Archival Occasional Papers that have been published so far –
Archive OP 8
“The Scholar Musician and the Ustads: Exploring the Birendra Kishore Roy Chowdhury Collection”
Lakshmi Subramanian and Sagnik Atarthi
Archive OP 7
“Reading Sir Jadunath: Literature and History”
Dipesh Chakrabarty
Archive OP 6
“Perfomers and Performances: Broadcasting of Bengali Songs through the Calcutta Radio Station (1927-1947)”
Indira Biswas
Archive OP 5
“From Sites and Museums to Temples: Relics, Ruins and New Buddhist Viharas in Colonial India”
Sraman Mukherjee
Archive OP 4
“Modernity at Home: A Geneology of the Indian Drawing Room”
Rosinka Chaudhuri
Archive OP 3
“Parallel Lives: Charting the History of Popular Prints of the Bengal and Bombay Presidencies”
Kamalika Mukherjee
Archive OP 2
“Mapping Calcutta: The Collection of Maps at the Visual Archives of the Centre for Studies in Social Sciences, Calcutta”
Keya Dasgupta
Archive OP 1
“Abanindranath, Known and Unknown: The Artist versus the Art of His Times”
Tapati Guha-Thakurta