Jadunath Bhavan Museum and Resource Centre
A unit of the Centre for Studies in Social Sciences, Calcutta
Set up with assistance of the Ministry of Culture, Government of India
Debaleena Majumdar (1919 – 2012)
Debaleena Majumdar made her reputation in the realm of salon and exhibition photography. During her early days at Ramnagar, Debaleena Majumdar’s photographs were published in magazines such as The Illustrated Weekly. After her marriage in 1946, Debaleena continued her work in amateur salon and family photography and was nominated as the President of the Photographic Association of Bengal. Her withdrawal from the public domain is reflected in her later intensive focus on the portrayal of family members. The archive has benefitted immensely from the generosity of Debaleena Majumdar and her family to allow us to document her wide range of works.